Inspiration 4 Everyone
Empowering People Through Positive Inspiration



Excellence Vs. Perfection

    I would like to start out by saying "there is a huge difference between excellence & perfection." I don’t believe God wants us to strive for perfection because he knows that will not happen. No one is perfect. The main difference is: Perfection would be saying you are better than everyone else because no one is perfect. Excellence is striving to be better than what you already are. When you strive for perfection, You will always be miserable because that’s a standard that you will never achieve. But when you strive for excellence, you will stay motivated because you just have to grow as a person and become better than what you are. God knows that perfection will not happen but he does expect us to strive to be better than what we are. He loves us way too much to have us stay the same. He knows that there is no such thing as stagnate in life. Everything is either growing forward or falling backwards. So he wants us to always grow forward. I feel that he knows at times we will move forward and other times we will move backwards. This is how life moves, we move 5 steps forward and then move back 3 steps. But after that’s done, we are still further ahead than where we started.

                                                                                By: Chris Benton




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